Find out how you can join our organization, we'd love to hear from you, please contact us. 
  • Attend a meeting
  • Come to an event
  • Speak to a current member
If you have decided to become a member and would like the club's board of directors to consider you for membership, the online application at the link below should be used to complete an application.  Prospective members usually complete this application after having attended a meeting and spoken with a club officer or Membership Chair.

Once your application is completed and received, you will be invoiced for dues matching the type of membership you are requesting. 
Your membership will be complete when your initial dues payment is received.

Online Membership Application

To review information on club finances, including club dues, click the below link.

Kiwanis Club Finances and Dues Explanation


If you are interested in more information or would like to visit our club, please contact us by providing your information and/or questions below.  Please include a phone number in the comments if you would like a call back.  Thank you.
    Enter your email address and the message you want to send.
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